How to Fill DS-160 Form for US Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide (with screenshots)

How to Fill DS-160 Form Online for US visa

The first step in the US visa application process is to fill DS-160 form online. It’s a lengthy form with several pages and sections, so it can take you a few days to complete.

Before you start the application, go through my comprehensive guide on DS-160 form to understand the technical requirements and the documents needed for filling out the application.

Then, follow along this step-by-step guide to complete your DS-160 form. There are screenshots and instructions to guide you. For each question, there is a comment explaining what exactly needs to be entered.

The result of your US visa for the most part depends on the information you fill in your DS-160. Pay careful attention to the information you enter in your DS-160. It must be accurate, and honest and must match with what you say during the visa interview. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT lie in your DS-160. This can lead to visa denial, visa ban, or permanent blacklist.

Table of Contents


01. Getting Started

To start your DS-160 form, head over to the US Department of State’s Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) page.

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Getting Started Apply for a Nonimmigrant Visa

The question “This visa application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself” is shown only for certain countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, etc. If you choose a country such as India, Mexico, etc., this question will not be shown.

After you have entered the above data, you will see 2 buttons –

Let’s look into these options in detail.


Click the “START AN APPLICATION” button when you are starting a new DS-160 application. This will create an Application ID, which you must print or make a note of. You will need the Application ID to retrieve your saved DS-160 application.


Your session times out if you leave your DS-160 form open for too long. If that happens, you can come back to your saved application (saved till the last section) using this option.

You might also need time to gather the information needed to fill DS-160 form. In that case, you can save and come back to your saved application using this option. You would need your DS-160 Application ID to retrieve the saved application.

After you enter the above data and click on “START AN APPLICATION”, you will see the “Application Information” Screen. Your “Application ID” will be displayed here. Print this page. Or take a screenshot or make a note of the DS-160 Application ID. You will need your Application ID to retrieve your saved DS-160 application.

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Getting Started Application Information

Make a note of your “Application ID”, “Security Question” and “Answer”. The “Security Question and Answer” along with the “Application ID”, “Surname” and “Birth Year” are REQUIRED to retrieve your saved DS-160 visa application. If you forget any of this information, you will not be able to retrieve your saved application. You will have to start over again with a new DS-160 application.

You will have 30 days to complete a partially saved DS-160 application. These 30 days are calculated from the last time you edited your application. If you do not complete and submit your DS-160 form within 30 days, your application will be deleted and you will have to start over again.

02. Personal

Subsection: Personal 1

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Personal Information 1

If you have accents or special characters in your name

The “Surnames” and “Given Names” fields DO NOT ALLOW accents or special characters. You must enter your name WITHOUT accents or special characters in the “Surnames” and “Given Names” fields. Use the “Full Name in Native Alphabet” field to enter your full name with accents and special characters.

If you have a middle name on your passport

If you have a middle name in your passport (ex: Philippines passport), you must add your middle name to your given name(s) and enter it in your DS-160 “Given Name”.

In your current passport
Surname: XXXX
Given Names: YYYY ZZZZ
Middle Name: AAAA

This is how you will fill in your DS-160
Surname: XXXX

If your surname in the passport is “blank”

If your surname in the passport is “blank”, use the following format in your DS-160 form.

In your current passport
Given Name: XXXX YYYY

This is how you will fill in your DS-160
Surname: XXXX YYYY
Given Name: FNU

Your US visa will be issued with the following name
Surname: XXXX YYYY
Given Name: FNU

NOTE: FNU means First Name Unknown.

IMPORTANT: You must get your passport fixed as soon as you can. It can create all kinds of issues, not only for visa applications but also at the airports. If you move to a foreign country to study or work, you won’t be able to open a bank account, apply for a driving license, etc.

What if your surname or given name is too long

You may be able to enter your Surname and Given Name completely in DS-160 form. But in the US visa, the Surname and Given Name fields have a certain character limit and will be truncated if over the character limit.

Even though your name is truncated in your US visa, it will not pose any problems with US immigration. US border officials are all aware of this and will not ask you any questions. You may be asked by the airline staff if they are not familiar with US visa name character limit.

In your current passport
Surname: XXXX

This is how you will fill in your DS-160
Surname: XXXX

Your US visa will be issued with the following name
Surname: XXXX

Subsection: Personal 2

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Personal Information 2

05. Travel

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Travel Information

For “TEMP. BUSINESS PLEASURE VISITOR (B)”, you will have 3 options to choose from: B1 (Business), B2 (Tourism), and B1/B2 (Business and Tourism). I recommend selecting “B1/B2” even though your purpose might be strictly business or tourism. A US visa is issued for 10 years and you never know when you will need to visit the US for business or when for tourism. “B1/B2” will work for both purposes and will spare you from unnecessary questions at the port of entry.

Even if you have selected “B1” or “B2” as your choice, the US consulate might still issue “B1/B2”. In very rare cases, they issue a “B1” or a “B2”.

What if you plan to stay in a hotel when you travel to the US, instead of a friend/family/relative?

If you are planning to stay in a hotel, book a refundable or pay-at-check-in hotel. Use that address for the question “Address Where You Will Stay in the U.S.”. Cancel the booking after you receive your visa.

What if you have already booked your flight tickets for your US trip?

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Travel Information

If you have already booked your flight and hotel, then you must select “Yes” to the question “Have you made specific travel plans”. You will see some specific questions for your trip. Enter the following information.

06. Travel Companions

Fill DS-160 Form Online for US Visa - Travel Companions

Persons traveling with you